

The compact QTOF provides unrivalled dynamic range in combination with mass accuracy, sensitivity, MS/MS performance and robustness Small and Strong Uncompromised resolution & sensitivity

Great robustness to sample variation allows reduced sample pre-treatment.
Low picogram sensitivity while delivering, highly precise and reproducible MS and MS/MS data.
All specified performance parameters simultaneously delivered in a single run with no need for tuning or optimization.

Key applications

compact optimizes outcomes in a wide range of applications
  • Screening and quantification in food and environmental routine
  • Forensics and doping control
  • Drug metabolite, degradant and impurity identification and quantitation
  • Biomarker discovery and validation in metabolomics
  • Synthetic chemistry support
High Dynamic Range
5 orders of magnitude intrascan dynamic range at UHPLC speed. Very fast detection and digitizing technology is key to maintaining full resolution at all acquisition speeds and provide high dynamic range to detect the smallest peaks in the presence of high-abundance background matrix.

SmartFormula Determination
Three dimensions of information simultaneously raise your analytical tasks to unrivaled confidence levels. The system allows superior accurate mass measurement, True Isotopic Pattern analysis validation and high resolution MS and MS/MS measurements.